Saturday, June 7, 2014

Why Germany?

My name is Kori Sye and I am a Chemistry major currently finishing my sophomore year at North Central College in Naperville, IL. This December I will be traveling with a group of students to Germany and we will be residing is Berlin and Erfurt while making trips to many locations across Germany. I decided that I wanted to go on the December term study abroad trip so that I could get the experience of traveling abroad and learning about another country without spending an entire term overseas.
After learning that going to Germany was an option for the D-term trips, I knew immediately that I wanted to go on the trip. I have German heritage and I have always wanted to learn more about the German culture. Although both my father’s parents were German, they did not practice traditions German growing up in America. My grandfather told me that as a young child he spoke German with his family but during World War II he and his family decided to stop speaking German and stop associating this the German culture in order to show that they were not aligned with the Nazi party. His family went as far as changing their last name from Sychowske to Sye in order to hid traces of their German heritage. I have always wanted to know what my family would have been like if my grandparents were able to embrace their German heritage and pass down some of their traditions. In Germany, I would like to learn about some of the family traditions and see how my ancestors lived.
I would also like to go to Germany because I have heard the about wonderful culture and beautiful scenery from my aunt and uncle. Their family has been involved in a Germany society in Chicago for many years and has visited Germany many times. My cousins have been involved in German dancing since they were young, and my cousin Nikolaus traveled to during two summers ago. I have attended some of the German society’s events and seen some of the German traditional dancing. This family has also showed me several pictures from their trips and talked about all the beautiful places they have visited so I have always wanted to visit Germany. I would like to travel across Germany so I can share my own experiences with my family.
My cousin Nikolaus visting Bremen, Germany.

I also want to learn about the Germany economy. As an Economics minor, I am very interested in seeing how the cultural differences in Germany have an effect on the economy. I would like to learn how Germany went from a financial crisis rampant with hyperinflation after World War I to having with one of the highest nominal GPDs and being a leading exporter today.
The Federal Ministry Finance located in the Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus Berlin headquarters.
Word count: 464